ARIN Advisory Council recommendations I have made

John Fraizer John.Fraizer at EnterZone.Net
Fri May 29 14:03:32 UTC 1998

>These changes will fix the transparency problems which I believe exist today
>within the structure of ARIN.


>You have the other two (the address allocation policy changes and pricing
>changes) as well.  Would you like me to write these up formally?

Yes, please do and make them available via www.

John Fraizer    (root)          |    __   _                 |
The System Administrator        |   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __ | The choice
mailto:root at EnterZone.Net       |  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / |  of a GNU
http://www.EnterZone.Net/       | /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ | Generation
                     A 486 is a terrible thing to waste...

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