apnic, censorship, and other fecal matter.

Michael Shields shields at crosslink.net
Fri May 22 06:12:17 UTC 1998

In article <Pine.LNX.3.95.980522010051.723p-100000 at tarkin.fdt.net>,
Jon Lewis <jlewis at inorganic5.fdt.net> wrote:
> I think someone's .procmailrc is broken.  Try adding the following close
> to the top.

I don't know how many times I've posted this.  It makes naong utterly
clean for me.

    * ^Message-Id: .*(unety\.net|unir\.net)>
    * ^(References|In-Reply-To): .*(unety\.net|unir\.net)
    * ^TOJimFleming@(unety\.net|unir.corp)

I set $JUNK to a date-dependent file which gets rotated for ten days
just i case I need to retrieve a false positive... you can set it to
/dev/null if you like simpler solutions.

nanog's SNR seems to me to have gone down *sharply* lately, even in
the non-Fleming threads.  I'd guess the Fleming threads are bad too,
but not having seen them, I don't know.
Shields, CrossLink.

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