DS1 test units, T-Birds and the like

Jason Vanick jvanick at megsinet.net
Tue May 19 17:28:27 UTC 1998

> Go to http://www.ttc.com for info on test equipment.  I think the best 
> unit available for field work is probably the T-BERD 307 (TTC also claims 
> it is the least expensive).  This is also the unit most PL techs carry 
> with them.

An added benefit of the 307 is that it also tests DS3 lines.

And, it's less than $8000 including all the cables you'd ever require.

- Jason

> > Can anyone recommend DS1 diagnostic equipment? Something similar to what the LEC
> > would use when you ask them to test the line.. I am aware that these units
> > range around $3K-$6K each and that you would want to get 2 of them.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Marko Bukvic
> > marko at pfmc.net
> > 

Jason Vanick ------------------------------------------ jvanick at megsinet.net
Network Operations Manager                                   V: 312-470-9015
MegsInet, Inc.        225 West Ohio St. Suite #200         Chicago, Il 60610 

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