renumbering and roaming

Ben Buxton bb at
Mon May 18 12:22:31 UTC 1998

On Mon, May 18, 1998 at 10:59:16AM +0100, Paul Mansfield wrote:
> On Sun, 17 May 1998, Michael Dillon turned on his computer and typed:
> > On Sun, 17 May 1998, Michael K. Smith:
> > 
> > IMHO every dialup customer from every ISP in the world should use
> > for their DNS address and this number should be hard coded
> > as the default in all client software. Then this problem would go away.
> if all ISPs agreed to use these addresses... say
> 	- TWO resolvers, e.g. 192.168.254,1 and
> 	- two mail relays, e.g. and
> 	- two news servers, e.g. ---254.9 and 253.9
> 	- two ntp time servers 
> 	- etc etc

Of course, if a customer has a LAN out the back of the same machine
they're connecting from, and it's using these addresses (which
they are entitled to use), then it'll cause immense headaches..

Ben Buxton___bb at    o    _          _--_|\   ZIP Internet P/L
Zip's Network Dude            /____|___|_)________/______\______________________
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