ARIN allocating /20 netblocks?

Karl Denninger karl at
Sun May 17 15:07:37 UTC 1998

On Sun, May 17, 1998 at 04:26:45AM -0700, Sean M. Doran wrote:
> Karl Denninger writes:
> | 	Used previous allocation in < 3 months  = Add 2 bits to the size
> | 		(ie: Used a /19 in > 3 months, get a /17 next time)
> |
> | 	Used previous allocation in < 6 months	= Add 1 bit to the size
> | 		(ie: Used a /19 in < 6 months, get a /18 next time)
> |
> | 	Used previous allocation >= 6 months, <= 1 years = Same size
> |
> | 	Used previous allocation >= 1 year = Decrease one bit size UNLESS
> | 		you were at a /19, in which case we give you another /19
> |
> ...
> | So we just got Mr. Big on the net - completely - with less than a half-dozen
> | announcements. 
> This RIPE-like scheme is an extremely good one, and it would
> be a fantastic idea for ARIN to continue evolving towards an
> allocation policy very much like this.
> 	Sean.

There is no need to "evolve" towards anything like this.

In fact, there is no TECHNICAL reason that I've heard articulated not to 
drop all subjective criteria and do precisely this right now.

And yes, I intend to put forth, in the next few days, a revised policy
change for the AC to debate and vote on during the June meeting.

AC votes are public information, including who voted in which direction.

Karl Denninger (karl at MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin          | T1's from $600 monthly / All Lines K56Flex/DOV
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