Laptop console

Dean Anderson dean at
Thu May 14 23:18:49 UTC 1998

At 4:06 PM -0400 5/14/98, Pete Ashdown wrote:
>>(Of course neither of these is a substitute for doing the telnet from
>>your trusted laptop)
>Speaking of, does anyone have a recommendation for a simple VT100 capable
>laptop?  I currently use this PowerBook 5500 which takes forever to boot
>and currently has a bad battery that goes to sleep all the time.  99% of
>the time I'm using it, I'm using it in Z-Term.  I wish there was a laptop
>with a nice keyboard that did just serial terminal access.

Make the pb sleep when not in use, so you don't have to reboot. And get
more batteries.


           Plain Aviation, Inc                  dean at
           We Make IT Fly!                (617)242-3091 x246

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