Core router bakeoff?

Brian Moore bmoore at
Mon May 11 17:02:55 UTC 1998

This is going to sound mean, but it isn't intended to be :)

Cisco's documentation on Kerberized telnet is actually pretty darn good.
It's a three or four-step process.  The docs even include sample KDC
configs.  Documentation for 11.2 is in the 'Security Configuration Guide'
section on 'Configuring Network Access Security,' 'Establishing
Kerberos-Authenticated Server-Client System.'


 At 10:24 PM 5/8/98 -0500, Sam Birch wrote:
>Not that I've done it, but you can use Kerberos to remotely manage a Cisco,
>giving you an encrypted telnet.  In fact, does anyone have any pointers
>about how?

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