Possible login/password grabbing ploy

Joe Provo - Network Architect jprovo at ma.ultranet.com
Mon May 11 18:13:41 UTC 1998

> I have found that most of the common mis-spellings of our domain name
> have been registered with the Internic by a company named Americaoffline. 

Yup.  They've been busy registering dropped-letter variants of many
folks.  All the zones I've looked at are merely wildcard A records, not
purposeful hosts.  I was sorely disappointed that 
http://www.americaoffline.com/ contains no references to malicous nor 
humourous stuff.  Personally, I was hoping for large-scale lampooning.

Nothing at the real provider's home base, INSTANET.COM, reveals anything
of interest.  Some kook thinking he can auction off typo domains?


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