Core router bakeoff?

Perry E. Metzger perry at
Thu May 7 20:54:27 UTC 1998

Rob M VanHooren writes:
> Hi, just a quickie (respond via e-mail, I'll summarize to the list)...
> Need to build a core NSP backbone.
> Who's equipment do I want:

Like this is a question?

You don't want Bay and you certainly don't want 3Com. If your network
is fairly slow (ethernets and T1s only) you can use PCs running a
reasonable BSD and GateD. Otherwise, the only commercial choice is


> 	1) cisco
> 	2) Bay
> 	3) 3Com
> Please include model, personal likes/dislikes, caveats, etc, etc...
> Thanks!  Bakeoff ends May 31st/98...
> ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-.._..-*~
>  Rob M. VanHooren - Chief Plumber,                     +1 519 679-1155 x33
>  Packet Pusher, and Resident Mad Scientist(tm)          Alarms to 646-4724
>  Network Engineering Services                 171 Queens Avenue, Suite 320
>  Linkdata Communications Inc.                               London, CANADA

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