Smurf Amp Nets

Oystein Homelien oystein at
Wed Jun 17 23:21:03 UTC 1998

On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Jon Lewis wrote:

>     system("lynx -dump$net");

> What does it mean when the SAR says "No entry found for that network."?
> Many of the nets I'm in the process of registering result in that, even
> though they still have multiple hosts responding and are in the whois
> databases.

You need to push the "probe=" parameter to the cgi as well.  What you are
doing above is merely looking up already-registered networks in the SAR
database.  Again, you are NOT probing the networks through the SAR by
running the above lynx command!

To do what you want, you must use URLs of this form:

Be careful with "&" in sh, and remember that probe= thing.

Oystein Homelien                  |  oystein at
PowerTech Information Systems AS  |
Nedre Slottsgate 5, N-0157 OSLO   |  tel: +47-23-010-010, fax: +47-2220-0333

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