RBL Update (Re: Lets go vixie!! rbl)

Richard Welty rwelty at neworks.net
Wed Jun 17 20:26:55 UTC 1998

At 06:23 PM 6/16/98 -0400, Dean Robb wrote:
>And Mr. Vixie should not have to post his attentions here for any spam
>apologists to decry.  It's his RBL, his rules and he can do as he wishes.
>He doesn't need anyone's permission.

any mail system i administer is set up to use the RBL, and all my users
know it. i can take it; so can they. anyone who uses the RBL should be
prepared to deal with the potential consequences.


Richard Welty
NeWorks Networking, Inc.                                  518-244-9675
rwelty at neworks.net                             http://www.neworks.net/

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