So... what's the best routing solution for..

Tony Li tli at
Sat Jun 13 08:00:19 UTC 1998

sjsobol at (Steve Sobol) writes:

> > He said this was an ethernet handoff from the isp; they are not simply 
> > going to plug him into a switch; he will most likely get a port on a 
> > cisco; they should be able to apply policies for him.. no?
> True.

So do you _really_ want someone else configuring your packet filter?

I didn't think so.

> > I don't see why he even needs a router, unless there is a lack of a trust 
> > of the upstream's ability to filter.. Or if you know beforehand they will 
> > not?
> I don't know that I necessarily need a router. :> 

D'accord.  But you probably do want a packet filter/firewall/L3 protection
of some flavor.

> Incidentally, if this is better discussed on another list,
> I'll go subscribe to it and raise the question there...

Hell no, this is operational content. ;-)


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