Broken domain statistics...

Dave Rand dlr at
Fri Feb 13 15:33:03 UTC 1998

[In the message entitled "Re: Broken domain statistics..." on Feb 13,  2:24, Jon Lewis writes:]
> That brings up another question.  What can/should be done with such
> "tainted" IP space?  Who in their right mind would want space previously
> used by Cyberpromo?  It's almost as if they destroyed the IP space they
> used.

It's an interesting question.  I had the first dealing with it a couple 
of days ago.  A site called me, and wanted off the RBL.  Turned out it
was one of the sites that hosted a nameserver for a few days for Cyberpromo.
After the standard set of questions, I removed them - but I know that 
they are going to have a whole heap of trouble with the thousands of other 
sites that were blocking Cyberpromo.

Without a central registry, unblocking "bad" addresses is going to be a
huge job.

Dave Rand
dlr at

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