Erroneous BGP advertisement

Bradley Reynolds brad at
Wed Feb 11 18:03:42 UTC 1998

> Currently, one half of our /18 is being erroneously advertised by
> Sprint (  This, naturally, is causing us no end of
> trouble.  Sprint, meanwhile, blames a third party.  This has been
> going on for over 24 hours.
> First, if you're reading this and you're the culprit, please stop
> advertising
> Second, I'm soliciting advice from others who have experienced this.
> How did you get results from the culprits?  Can you recommend an
> attorney who is familiar with the issues, in case we decide to recover
> our lost revenue stream?
> Thanks!
> --
> Bruce Robertson, President/CEO
> Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.
> +1-702-348-7299  fax: +1-702-348-9412
Did you try calling the third party?  

brad reynolds
ber at

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