*scream* Cannot contact AT&T WorldNet NOC

Alex "Mr. Worf" Yuriev alex at netaxs.com
Mon Sep 29 23:38:19 UTC 1997

> >> Alternatives:
> >> 	- Call the FBI Computer Crime Squad (202) 324-9164, which
> >> 	  will probally be very unsatisfying unless you can document
> >> 	  a large dollar loss
> >
> >Try Byron Thompson from NC-17. You may have much better luck
> Last time Sprint did this, I believe a front page story in the
> New York Times was very effective at getting their attention.

That of course is correct. Unfortunately(?), for us we'd much rather run
networks and not sit in courts. National Computer Crime Squad (NC-17) as
every FBI division does not really have enough experience in dealing with
that but that particular person from there ( Byron Thompson ) had proven
that he can get stuff done. Basically, he will understand implications if
you try to explain them to him.


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