Looking for Gated

Marcos Della mdella at cstone.com
Sat Sep 6 12:10:47 UTC 1997

Hey there folks, I just re-subscribed to Nanog and about the only thing
I have gotten out of this was a vague reference to turning off directed
broadcasts, and a minor discussion on the GRF.  Everything else has been
white noise (hard to download via POP when on the road...)

Anyway, I am looking for the latest copy of gated.  I know that Ascend has
been working on the code and that it moved from Carnege-Mellon (sp?), however
I don't know what is publically available and what is considered propierity.

Any pointers?


     (o o)                               Senior Network Design Consultant
-oOO--(_)--OOo-----------------------------------mdella at cstone.com-------
Marcos R. Della                           http://www.cstone.com/~mdella

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