uDNS Root Name Servers Taking Shape

John Charles Broomfield jbroom at outremer.com
Fri May 30 01:25:54 UTC 1997

At 20:01 29/05/97 -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
>You mean you, and the others, can't qualify under the rules of *stable,
>business grade service*, defined as:
>1)	Someone answers your phone.
>2)	You are actually registered to legally do business in your state.
>3)	You have real nameservers on real circuits.
>4)	Someone can actually register electronically in your TLD.
>5)	Someone can use the web and/or whois to look up who owns a SLD
>	delegation.
>Ron, all you have to do is file the template.  I know that's tough, but the
>truth of the matter is that 90% of the TLDs which your defectors are now
>putting up under "uDNS" don't meet the above *FOUR* criteria, say much less
>being non-collusive and holding 10 or fewer TLDs.

[puzzled look as he looks at his hands and tries to count fingers...]
There's something here I'm missing I think.
Karl, you *are* the technical wizard in eDNS (or whatever you're merged into
now), aren't you?
Never mind.

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