The Big Squeeze

Paul Ferguson pferguso at
Sun Mar 2 16:00:17 UTC 1997

At 10:48 AM 3/2/97 -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:

>It's the renumbering part that I think gives people the most
>heartburn... By the time you get "big enough" to warrent your
>own block, you've got at least 32 ClassCs of which, I'm betting,
>at least 28 are "given" to LAN-connected customers. This is
>a _major_ headache not only for the ISP to go thru but also a
>major headache to force your customers to go thru. That is, what
>I think, is what really is most painful; that by the time you
>are big enough to have your own block, you're too big to want
>to renumber: Catch 22

Que sera, sera. Renumbering is a fact of life.

See: RFC1900, RFC2008, RFC2071.

- paul

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