Bay Networks in bed with commie censors?

Dave O'Shea doshea at
Thu Jan 16 00:04:14 UTC 1997

> Ok, it looks like Bay Networks made a sweet deal with
> Chinese commies.   Essentially, they will provide
> technology for the state propaganda network and
> censored Internet.

Personally, I think Bay does make for more easily-modified access control;
with Cisco, removing one IP from an Access List From Hell is usually too
much task to be worth it.

And if I could have undersold Bay by a percent, I'd be doing the Taipei
Tango whilst plugging away on a 7513.

> Their "partnership" with censors of a communist regime
> is repugnant.  Using the modern technology to build a
> giant brainwashing machine is very scary.

Actually, few brainwashing schemes could beat what Madison Avenue churns
out. When you can get the American public thinking that a certain type of
shoes or jeans will make you socially acceptable, you've got the Chinese
beat pretty bad. Mao Tse Tung ain't got nothing on the Marlboro Cowboy.

> Some companies will do anything for a buck, though.

The corporation exists maximize shareholder value; the good press from the
sale (and the sale itself) obviously outweighs the risk of bad press.

> How about boycotting their products in U.S. and other
> democratic countries?

I dunno; suppose I boycott every company that sells to some organization
that I find repugnant? Pretty soon, I won't be able to find a car to drive,
a grocery store to shop in, or a telephone to talk on.

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