Need help w/internet draft.

Paul Ferguson pferguso at
Wed Jan 15 13:28:47 UTC 1997

This sounds amazingly like Tim Bass' proposal from last year. :-)

- paul

At 11:18 PM 1/14/97 -0700, Forrest W. Christian wrote:

>I've been working on an internet draft on using NAT techniques for 
>agreggating the core routing tables.
>I'm to the point that I need some assistance with general internet-draft 
>writing practices.  I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right 
>direction or otherwise offer general assistance.  The RFC's and other 
>docs on the registrar's web site are of little real use.
>Technical suggestions are also welcome.
>What I've got so far is up on the web at:
>Another question I have is related to the appropriate forum(s) to discuss 
>this particular draft in.  I have no desire to add greatly to the noise 
>level in non-relevant lists.
>-forrestc at

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