E.E. Times?

Deepak Jain deepak at jain.com
Mon Jan 13 16:42:47 UTC 1997

I was kind of curious why they would quote a media company's operations 
guy instead of a backbone operator like the ones they are so fond
 of referring to.


On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Chris A. Icide wrote:

> Actually, I have to admit, the following was my favorite line, considering the 
> copyright at the end of the article....
> Quotes from the article follow:
> CMP Media's Prinz said his operation uses "Bay Networks' routers, and
> we have no issues with them. In fact, they don't have such a thing as a
> withdraw announcement."
> "Copyright (r) 1997 CMP Media Inc." <------ quote, and not a copyright on this mail.
> Chris A. Icide
> Nap.Net

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