SYN floods (was: does history repeat itself?)

James D. Butt 'J.D.' jbutt at
Sun Sep 15 02:06:35 UTC 1996

> (Whats needed, I think, is a cheap box that just does filtering.  If
> it did it in hardware, it could be very fast (needed for high speed
> lines) and possibly even cheap.

You would still need the software some where in the picture. The 
hardware in pretty useless without some type of software. Do you know 
something that I don't?

How do you store the filtering paramaters into the hardware? There is 
still software in the hardware,,,,

James 'J.D.' Butt                       Voice 319.557.8463
Network Engineer                        pager 319.557.6347
MidWest Communications, Inc.            fax   319.557.9771           
241 Main St.                            noc at
Dubuque, IA 52001                       jbutt at
"I used up all my sick days...   so I'm calling in dead"
"Lets fight against continental drift!"

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