Root Nameserver IPs

Zachary DeAquila zachary at
Mon Sep 9 22:33:18 UTC 1996

On Monday, Sep 9, 1996, Nick Hilliard writes:
>> How about allocating some "good sounding" IP addresses for them,
>> (like 1.0.0.x/32) and hard-wiring them into resolver code?  Would
>> save quite a lot of configuration headaches for newbies.
>Hardwiring anything like this into a system like DNS sounds like a really
>bad idea if only for the simple reason that DNS is not just used on the
>Internet, but also within private networks.  Having hardwiring IP numbers in
>this case would cause headaches of unimaginable proportions.

Good point.  So make sure there's a way to override the hardwired defaults,
is all... Anyone setting up a private network with private resolvers, etc,
will be clueful enough to know to include  --rootserverfile named.root 
on the command line...


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