Peering Policy ( was Re: AGIS/DIGEX )

Avi Freedman freedman at
Wed Oct 30 16:49:42 UTC 1996

> On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, Pritish Shah wrote:
> > So here is my question -- why is this kind of arrangement not being used
> > anywhere???
> Because direction of traffic flow is meaningless as an indicator of 
> direction of value flow, if you will.
> I send 5MB across Sprint's network.  Am I responsible for paying for that 
> traffic, or is Sprint?  Think carefully before you answer, or better yet, 
> check what the NANOG archives have to say on the topic.
> Todd Graham Lewis             Linux!                 Core Engineering

You can make an argument either way.

"I'm only sending you that 5mb/sec of data because your educational, ISP,
 and business customers are asking me for it with Netscape [or whatever]."

"I'm only receiving that 5mb/sec of data because your corporate and ISP
 customers have web servers - and they pay you to make their data available
 to the world."


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