Internic address allocation policy (fwd)

Ed Jackson ed_jackson at INS.COM
Wed Nov 20 04:42:59 UTC 1996

I would like to see more information on this item in particular -> is this
being done currently -> or are plans underway to do so?... in regards to
'un-lending' that address space from those organizations to make them
available for everyone else?

now that would create some interesting discussions - ;)

ed jackson

At 04:03 PM 11/19/96 -0600, Jim Fleming wrote:
>	7. A complete review of /8 allocations should be done
>		with a complete audit of how the companies
>		that have those allocations are utilizing those
>		blocks (as well as other blocks). The CEOs and
>		shareholders of	those companies should be
>		informed that their past policies may not conform
>		to modern standards of frugal allocations.

 Ed Jackson
 International Network Services

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