high packet loss within Sprint infrastructure?

Stephen Meuse smeuse at noc.bbn.com
Wed Nov 13 22:55:11 UTC 1996

On Nov 13,  2:44pm, David L. Wasley wrote:
> Subject: high packet loss within Sprint infrastructure?
> I hope this is an appropriate question for this list...
> We have been experiencing severe packet loss, apparently within the Sprint
> infrastructure, for several weeks.  Recently we've seen as high as 20%
> loss.   Our users are screaming.  They can't keep sessions open to resource
> providers, etc., to whom they are paying large annual fees.   Not at all
> good.

I've heard recently that sprint will be adding more capacity to their
Mae-West connection, but at this point it is just a rumor....

> We have been receiving conflicting stories fron Sprint about where the
> problem(s) is(are), who is responsible, what is being done (if anything),
> etc.
> The loss appears to us to be worst at MAE-WEST but it seems to be happening
> more broadly as well.
> Can anyone else out there help shed light on this? Is anyone else aware of
> similar behavior?
> Thanks,
> 	David Wasley
> 	University of California
>-- End of excerpt from David L. Wasley

Stephen Meuse                    ___  ___  _  __  ____  __                 __
BBN Planet Corporation          / _ )/ _ )/ |/ / / __ \/ /___ _____  ___  / /_
Network Analyst                / _  / _  /    / / /_/ / / __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ __/
150 Cambridge Park Drive      /____/____/_/|_/ / ____/ / /_/ / / / /  __/ /_
Cambridge, MA. 02140                          /_/   /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\__/
Who is this "cron" person? And why is he mailing me?!!

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