topological closeness....

Gopi K Garge gopi at
Fri May 17 10:27:06 UTC 1996

Miguel A.L. Paraz sez:

> Hello,

> Gopi K Garge wrote:
> > 	IMHO, in the context of the AP region, I guess we are overlooking the 
> > 	user perspective - locally available "Internet" content. Barring
> > 	.au, .sg, .kr, .hk (?), .jp and .tw, I do not see any major effort
> > 	around to provide locally, content that is available in the US
> > 	be it the GNU archive, the WU archive or one-of-those Beatles
> > 	song and lyrics archive - result - good amount of traffic to the
> > 	US. 

> With limited bandwidth, updating these archives would be slow,
> and, you wouldn't know yet if there are enough people accessing
> these to justify getting a mirror.

	Oh ... I have complete details on how many hits some of these
	servers get from my domain and who in my domain are originating
	requests. getting these details is a matter of some dedicated
	hardware and a one time programming effort - the rest is -
	thanks to ethernet technology.

> Caching should help getting commonly requested information faster.

	Sure ... but you'd notice that these are mechanisms to control
	your traffic across a low bandwidth link, but that's not the
	issue. The issue is where will the link that we have terminate.

> >       When one sees such traffic trends, why would an ISP even think in
> >       terms of investing in a link to a place other than the US - the cost 
> > 	permitting ? 

> In the long term, as the Internet becomes more common, regional content 
> will become more important, IMHO.  So develop the local content -
> and the local infrastructure - and regional intranets, and virtual
> private networks - will come in.

	When ?? I feel it is long overdue. If we are to "attract" intra
	AP region bandwidth investment - as in getting ISPs to interconnect
	within the region, there must be an effort to provide
	content. The ISPs may then have a case (not a strong one though)
	to interconnect locally. How do we do this ? I know that this is 
	not a trivial question, but ......


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