Sprint's route filters and Europe

Michael Dillon michael at memra.com
Sun Jun 2 19:11:13 UTC 1996

On Sun, 2 Jun 1996, Stan Barber wrote:

> Michael, I guess I missed this when it was originally posted, but if you
> could put some attribution around it, it would be more helpful.

Sorry, I should have clarified. It's something I haulled off of an ISP
discussion list and it appears that some of RIPE's activities may be
butting heads with Sprint's route filtering policies. Specifically, RIPE
is charging a fee to ISP's to get large blocks of IP addresses to allocate
to their customers and yet these blocks are smaller than what Sprint will

I intentionally left out the attribution in case the individual concerned
was simply wrong due to not having done enough research.

I was kind of hoping that someone would pipe up and say that the
operations folks and the IP registres are now working closer and
coordinating their activities. Am I dreaming?....

Michael Dillon                                   ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc.                                 Fax: +1-604-546-3049
http://www.memra.com                             E-mail: michael at memra.com

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