Matthew Kaufman matthew at
Tue Apr 30 19:51:47 UTC 1996

Original message <199604301656.JAA02668 at victory.InterNex.Net>
From: rmg at (Rob Gutierrez)
Date: Apr 30,  9:56
Subject: MFS buys UUNET.
> As somebody mentioned today, an AP wire story came across this morning
> that MFS is _buying_ UUNET for $2 billion....

Many months ago, it was explained to me in great detail why Sprint, et. al.,
liked peering at MFS exchange points (because MFS is a neutral party, ie. 
not an NSP) and didn't like hearing about exchange points run by NSPs or ISPs
(as some of the smaller regional points are).

Any comment from the larger NSPs about what this does to that theory?

-matthew kaufman
 matthew at

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