regional aggregation

William Allen Simpson bsimpson at
Thu Apr 4 14:01:59 UTC 1996

> From: Dalvenjah FoxFire <dalvenja at>
> I'm not sure if this is the most completely wrong place to ask this
> question, so please forgive me if it is, but I'm not sure where else
> to ask it...
This is the right place, as you are talking about operational issues.

> As someone who's about to renumber a public school district from a /24
> to something else, what would be the smallest network to get (from
> InterNIC) that would pretty much be guaranteed to be routed for the next
> few years? I'm thinking a /22 at the moment, but am not sure.
> Granted the best solution would be go to our provider (all the schools
> in Santa Clara County, CA go through the county office of education for
> internet access) and have them get an /18 or something and distribute
> that, but they don't seem to want that. Should I push them for this
> solution?
Yes, you should.  If all traffic goes that way, it is the root of the
topology.  Please renumber topologically.

WSimpson at
    Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
BSimpson at
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