Are the Route Servers Viable Solutions That Are Being Held Hostage?

Dave Curado dcurado at
Wed Dec 20 15:35:34 UTC 1995

>> In short, I think the chief failing of the RADB is not the
>> toolset, the concept, or the long-term plan, all of which
>> make some to alot of sense.  Instead, what seems to have
>> killed it dead is that the RA was too busy to commit the
>> *serious* effort it would have taken to populate the RADB
>> with information from reality in the first place.
> This paragraph begs the question: Can the patient be saved? That is,
> if the concept, toolset and long-term plan make some to alot of sense,
> do we move forward by fixing the existing problems or starting over?

My feeling is that patient can and should be saved; it is worth 
the effort to clean up the RADB where it is needed.
The tools and concepts work.  There is a solid group of people
behind the design.  As a small provider, we have seen nothing
but Good Things since embracing these services.  


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