Draft Agenda

Susan R. Harris srh at MERIT.EDU
Tue Aug 29 12:49:23 UTC 1995

Greetings - Here's what we've planned so far for the Pittsburgh agenda.
       North American Network Operators Group (NANOG)
     September 11-12, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
                        DRAFT Agenda

Topic                                          Presenter(s)
Welcome, Introductions,                        Bill Norton
Future Meetings

Update on the RA Service                       Elise Gerich

New Routing Tools for the Internet             Craig Labovitz

Updates from the Interconnection Points
  (Sprint, AADS, PacBell, and
  Washington, D.C. NAPs; MAE-West)
Top-Level Domains:                             Mark Kosters and Dave Graves
the InterNIC Solution

Top-Level Domains:                             
Community Views and Discussion

Auto-configuration in IPv6                     Alison Mankin

Experience With Route-Flap                     Sean Doran

Nimrod Routing:  How Can                       Michael Patton
We Meet Your Needs?

CA*net ATM Backbone Transition                 Guy Middleton

RADIUS:  Distributed                           John Vollbrecht
Authentication for MichNet

Proxy Aggregation:                             Stan Barber, Moderator
Community Views and Discussion

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