Nathan Stratton nathan at
Tue Aug 15 17:30:57 UTC 1995

On Tue, 15 Aug 1995, Paul Traina wrote:

>   From: jon at (Jon Zeeff)
>   Subject: Re: CIDR FAQ
>   > BTW Any BSD4.4 based *NIX (NetBSD, FreeBSD, etc) *does* do CIDR.
>   Another reason why some people are thinking that workstations and generic
>   micros sometimes look pretty good as replacements for "real" routers.
>   You get software that works, full source code, faster CPUs, and fewer 
>   memory limitations.  At a cost low enough to get a "free" spare.  
> Look, I really hate to sound like I have sour grapes,  but this thread
> keeps coming up and I all hear about the PC router issue is a lot of 
> talk about price and CPUs,  but I don't actually hear any operational
> experience about them.

Well we are going to use a PC router if all works out for our MAE-East 
connection. But we do have a cisco 4500-M if it des not work out.

Nathan Stratton		  CEO, NetRail, Inc.    Your Gateway to the World!
Phone   (703)524-4800			       NetRail, Inc.
Fax     (703)534-5033                          2007 N. 15 St. Suite B-5
Email   sales at                      Arlington, Va. 22201
WWW                Access: (703) 524-4802 guest

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