Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

Steven K. Widmayer skw
Tue Jan 18 11:20:35 UTC 1994

NOTICE:  Changes have been made to the format of this and the other
network-based reports.  See below for details.

The following changes have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EST :

                            Total =     */8 +  */16 +  */24 + Other
   Configured Networks      22455 =      27    4311   18117       0
   Added Networks             218 =       0       7     211       0
   Deleted Networks             1 =       0       0       1       0

IP address      Net name           Country  Priority:AS
----------      --------           -------  -----------
144.163/16      USWMRG                C:US  1:209 2:210
149.219/16      WDR                   C:DE  1:1324
153.109/16      ISW-MAIN-NET          C:CH  1:1133 2:1674 3:1800
155.70/16       USWMIS                C:US  1:209 2:210
155.94/16       WYETHAR               C:US  1:2149 2:174
161.112/16      HUDDERSFIELD          C:GB  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
165.236/16      NETCOM-B2             C:US  1:2551
192.65.173/24   MTCN-CNET             C:US  1:114 2:1700
192.70.221/24   PSC-OWS-LINK          C:US  1:204 2:1206
192.108.18/24   TAHC1                 C:US  1:280 2:114
192.109.118/24  ACOTEC-LAN            C:DE  1:1324
192.133.62/24   PARTECH               C:US  1:2149 2:174
192.133.63/24   PARTECHI              C:US  1:2149 2:174
192.138.189/24  CMITECH               C:US  1:2149 2:174
192.150.143/24  WADOH                 C:US  1:685 2:73 3:101
192.188.31/24   ESFP                  C:US  1:291 2:293
192.188.32/24   NSL1-NET1             C:US  1:291 2:293
192.195.242/24  FAULTLINE             C:US  1:1240 2:1800
192.216.78/24   CCMAIL3               C:US  1:200 2:201
192.216.79/24   CCMAIL4               C:US  1:200 2:201
192.217.65/24   CICNET-C-217-65       C:US  1:1225 2:267 3:266
192.243.130/24  TIPS130               C:US  1:209 2:210
192.243.139/24  TIPS139               C:US  1:209 2:210
192.243.146/24  TIPS146               C:US  1:209 2:210
192.243.175/24  TIPS175               C:US  1:209 2:210
192.243.185/24  TIPS185               C:US  1:209 2:210
193.31.17/24    SNAGG                 C:DE  1:701 2:1800
193.42.224/24   ALSTO-NET             C:IT  1:293 2:291 3:1133 4:1674
193.61.80/24    NENET-C-61-80         C:GB  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.61.81/24    NENET-C-61-81         C:GB  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.61.82/24    NENET-C-61-82         C:GB  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.61.83/24    NENET-C-61-83         C:GB  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.64.184/24   APU5                  C:FI  1:701 2:1800
193.64.198/24   COMPART1              C:FI  1:701 2:1800
193.92.252/24   FORTH-THES            C:GR  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.104.90/24   FR-CCF                C:FR  1:701 2:1800
193.104.100/24  FR-COE                C:FR  1:701 2:1800
193.104.164/24  FR-ENIB               C:FR  1:701 2:1800
193.117.223/24  EUNETGB-ISDN          C:GB  1:701 2:1800
193.120.231/24  HORIZON               C:IE  1:701 2:1800
193.170.49/24   UNIVIE12              C:AT  1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.175.1/24    WINIP-BERLIN          C:DE  1:293 2:291
193.175.2/24    WINIP-DUE             C:DE  1:293 2:291
193.175.3/24    WINIP-FRA             C:DE  1:293 2:291
193.175.4/24    WINIP-HAM             C:DE  1:293 2:291
193.175.5/24    WINIP-MAN             C:DE  1:293 2:291
193.175.6/24    WINIP-MUE             C:DE  1:293 2:291
193.195.22/24   SILNET                C:GB  1:1800 2:1240
193.204.68/24   LECCE-NET-C-204-68    C:IT  1:293 2:291
193.204.69/24   LECCE-NET-C-204-69    C:IT  1:293 2:291
193.204.70/24   LECCE-NET-C-204-70    C:IT  1:293 2:291
193.204.71/24   LECCE-NET-C-204-71    C:IT  1:293 2:291
193.212.148/24  VERITAS-148           C:NO  1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.212.149/24  VERITAS-149           C:NO  1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
198.5.208/24    INFOSEEK1             C:US  1:701 2:702
198.5.209/24    INFOSEEK2             C:US  1:701 2:702
198.5.210/24    INFOSEEK3             C:US  1:701 2:702
198.5.211/24    INFOSEEK4             C:US  1:701 2:702
198.17.124/24   BINARY                C:US  1:1982
198.92.64/24    CISCO2-C-92-64        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.65/24    CISCO2-C-92-65        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.66/24    CISCO2-C-92-66        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.67/24    CISCO2-C-92-67        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.68/24    CISCO2-C-92-68        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.69/24    CISCO2-C-92-69        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.70/24    CISCO2-C-92-70        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.71/24    CISCO2-C-92-71        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.72/24    CISCO2-C-92-72        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.73/24    CISCO2-C-92-73        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.74/24    CISCO2-C-92-74        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.75/24    CISCO2-C-92-75        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.76/24    CISCO2-C-92-76        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.77/24    CISCO2-C-92-77        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.78/24    CISCO2-C-92-78        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.79/24    CISCO2-C-92-79        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.80/24    CISCO2-C-92-80        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.81/24    CISCO2-C-92-81        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.82/24    CISCO2-C-92-82        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.83/24    CISCO2-C-92-83        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.84/24    CISCO2-C-92-84        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.85/24    CISCO2-C-92-85        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.86/24    CISCO2-C-92-86        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.87/24    CISCO2-C-92-87        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.88/24    CISCO2-C-92-88        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.89/24    CISCO2-C-92-89        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.90/24    CISCO2-C-92-90        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.91/24    CISCO2-C-92-91        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.92/24    CISCO2-C-92-92        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.93/24    CISCO2-C-92-93        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.94/24    CISCO2-C-92-94        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.95/24    CISCO2-C-92-95        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.96/24    CISCO2-C-92-96        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.97/24    CISCO2-C-92-97        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.98/24    CISCO2-C-92-98        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.99/24    CISCO2-C-92-99        C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.100/24   CISCO2-C-92-100       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.101/24   CISCO2-C-92-101       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.102/24   CISCO2-C-92-102       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.103/24   CISCO2-C-92-103       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.104/24   CISCO2-C-92-104       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.105/24   CISCO2-C-92-105       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.106/24   CISCO2-C-92-106       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.107/24   CISCO2-C-92-107       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.108/24   CISCO2-C-92-108       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.109/24   CISCO2-C-92-109       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.110/24   CISCO2-C-92-110       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.111/24   CISCO2-C-92-111       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.112/24   CISCO2-C-92-112       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.113/24   CISCO2-C-92-113       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.114/24   CISCO2-C-92-114       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.115/24   CISCO2-C-92-115       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.116/24   CISCO2-C-92-116       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.117/24   CISCO2-C-92-117       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.118/24   CISCO2-C-92-118       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.119/24   CISCO2-C-92-119       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.120/24   CISCO2-C-92-120       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.121/24   CISCO2-C-92-121       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.122/24   CISCO2-C-92-122       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.123/24   CISCO2-C-92-123       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.124/24   CISCO2-C-92-124       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.125/24   CISCO2-C-92-125       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.126/24   CISCO2-C-92-126       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.92.127/24   CISCO2-C-92-127       C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.132/24   INCYTE1               C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.133/24   INCYTE2               C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.134/24   INCYTE3               C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.135/24   INCYTE4               C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.136/24   GLOBALV1              C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.137/24   GLOBALV2              C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.138/24   GLOBALV3              C:US  1:200 2:201
198.93.139/24   GLOBALV4              C:US  1:200 2:201
198.94.56/24    NET-MPCC-C-94-56      C:US  1:200 2:201
198.94.57/24    NET-MPCC-C-94-57      C:US  1:200 2:201
198.102.176/24  ELCSCI1               C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.102.179/24  ELCSCI4               C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.113.146/24  GETTY-2               C:US  1:560 2:701
198.145.88/24   WDN-C-145-88          C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.175.167/24  US-NET1               C:US  1:1327
198.202.137/24  MODNET-C-202-137      C:US  1:2149 2:174
198.202.138/24  MODNET-C-202-138      C:US  1:2149 2:174
198.202.147/24  TXASHLTH-C5           C:US  1:114 2:1700
198.206.239/24  BLUFFNET-C-206-239    C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.206.240/24  BLUFFNET-C-206-240    C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.206.241/24  BLUFFNET-C-206-241    C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.206.242/24  BLUFFNET-C-206-242    C:US  1:1240 2:1800
198.211.253/24  GET                   C:US  1:2551
198.233.48/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-48    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.49/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-49    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.50/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-50    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.51/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-51    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.52/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-52    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.53/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-53    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.54/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-54    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.55/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-55    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.56/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-56    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.57/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-57    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.58/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-58    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.59/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-59    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.60/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-60    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.61/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-61    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.62/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-62    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.233.63/24   WAPA-NETS-C-233-63    C:US  1:209 2:210
198.235.185/24  LANHOUSE              C:CA  1:2493
198.236.15/24   OPEN-C-236-15         C:US  1:685 2:73 3:101
199.0.75/24     MEB                   C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.33/24     MCS-C-3-33            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.34/24     MCS-C-3-34            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.35/24     MCS-C-3-35            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.36/24     MCS-C-3-36            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.37/24     MCS-C-3-37            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.38/24     MCS-C-3-38            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.39/24     MCS-C-3-39            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.40/24     MCS-C-3-40            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.41/24     MCS-C-3-41            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.42/24     MCS-C-3-42            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.43/24     MCS-C-3-43            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.44/24     MCS-C-3-44            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.45/24     MCS-C-3-45            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.46/24     MCS-C-3-46            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.47/24     MCS-C-3-47            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.48/24     MCS-C-3-48            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.49/24     MCS-C-3-49            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.50/24     MCS-C-3-50            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.51/24     MCS-C-3-51            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.52/24     MCS-C-3-52            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.53/24     MCS-C-3-53            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.54/24     MCS-C-3-54            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.55/24     MCS-C-3-55            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.56/24     MCS-C-3-56            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.57/24     MCS-C-3-57            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.58/24     MCS-C-3-58            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.59/24     MCS-C-3-59            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.60/24     MCS-C-3-60            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.61/24     MCS-C-3-61            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.62/24     MCS-C-3-62            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.3.63/24     MCS-C-3-63            C:US  1:1800 2:1240
199.26.200/24   NET-ESC               C:US  1:1225 2:267 3:266
199.29.185/24   PSINET-C-29-185       C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.8/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-8      C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.9/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-9      C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.10/24    INTERSOLV-C-33-10     C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.11/24    INTERSOLV-C-33-11     C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.12/24    INTERSOLV-C-33-12     C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.13/24    INTERSOLV-C-33-13     C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.14/24    INTERSOLV-C-33-14     C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.33.15/24    INTERSOLV-C-33-15     C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.0/24     PSINET-C-97-0         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.1/24     PSINET-C-97-1         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.2/24     PSINET-C-97-2         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.3/24     PSINET-C-97-3         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.4/24     PSINET-C-97-4         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.5/24     PSINET-C-97-5         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.6/24     PSINET-C-97-6         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.7/24     PSINET-C-97-7         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.9/24     PSINET-C-97-9         C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.10/24    PSINET-C-97-10        C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.12/24    PSINET-C-97-12        C:US  1:2149 2:174
199.97.13/24    PSINET-C-97-13        C:US  1:2149 2:174

--193.5.62/24   CALIBRE-CH            C:CH  1:1133 2:1674 3:1800

Expanded listing, sorted by country, then by organization:


    Vienna University, Computer Center, Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Vienna,
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1133  CERN/DANTE
        3:1240  ICM-Pacific
        193.170.49/24    UNIVIE12 (AT)


    LanHouse Communications Ltd, 2 Toronto Street, Suite 304, Toronto, Ontario,
                                                                M5C 2B6, CANADA
        1:2493  FONOROLA-EAST
        198.235.185/24   LANHOUSE (CA)


    A-Lehdet Ltd, Hitsaajankatu 7 B, FI-00810 Helsinki, FINLAND
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.64.184/24    APU5 (FI)

    Compart Ltd, Takomotie 11, FI-00380 Helsinki, FINLAND
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.64.198/24    COMPART1 (FI)


    CCF - Credit Commercial de France, 103, avenue des Champs Elysees, F-75419
                                                         Paris CEDEX 08, FRANCE
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.104.90/24    FR-CCF (FR)

    Conseil de l'Europe, BP 431 R6, 67006 Strasbourg CEDEX, FRANCE
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.104.100/24   FR-COE (FR)

    ENIB - Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Brest, Case Postale n.15, F-29608
                                                            Brest CEDEX, FRANCE
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.104.164/24   FR-ENIB (FR)


    Acotec GmbH, Voltastrasse 5, D-13355 Berlin, GERMANY
        1:1324  ANS New York City - DNSS 35
        192.109.118/24   ACOTEC-LAN (DE)

    DFN-Verein, Pariser Str. 44, Berlin, D-10707, GERMANY
        1:293   Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
        2:291   Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
        193.175.1/24     WINIP-BERLIN (DE)
        193.175.2/24     WINIP-DUE (DE)
        193.175.3/24     WINIP-FRA (DE)
        193.175.4/24     WINIP-HAM (DE)
        193.175.5/24     WINIP-MAN (DE)
        193.175.6/24     WINIP-MUE (DE)

    EuroConnect, WAN Connectivity Software & Consulting GmbH, Landgrafenstr.
                                              37-39, D-53842 Troisdorf, GERMANY
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.31.17/24     SNAGG (DE)

    Westdeutscher Rundfunk Koeln, Appellhofplatz 1, D-50600 Koeln, GERMANY
        1:1324  ANS New York City - DNSS 35
        149.219/16       WDR (DE)


    Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas, Computer Science Institute,
                                         Daidalou 36, P.O. Box 1385, Heraklion,
                                                           Crete, 71110, GREECE
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1133  CERN/DANTE
        3:1240  ICM-Pacific
        193.92.252/24    FORTH-THES (GR)


    Horizon Computers Ltd, AppleCentre Horizon, Lower Road, Cork City, IRELAND
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.120.231/24   HORIZON (IE)


    Alenia Spazio, Corso Marche, 41, Torino, I-10146, ITALY
        1:293   Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
        2:291   Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
        3:1133  CERN/DANTE
        4:1674  CERN/DANTE
        193.42.224/24    ALSTO-NET (IT)

    Universita' degli Studi di Lecce, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita'
                                              degli Studi di Lecce, ex Collegio
                                         Fiorini, Via Arnesano, Lecce, I-73100,
        1:293   Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
        2:291   Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
        193.204.68/24    LECCE-NET-C-204-68 (IT)
        193.204.69/24    LECCE-NET-C-204-69 (IT)
        193.204.70/24    LECCE-NET-C-204-70 (IT)
        193.204.71/24    LECCE-NET-C-204-71 (IT)


    Det Norske Veritas, PO.Box 300, N-1322 Hovik, NORWAY
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1879  EUROPE-RS
        3:1133  CERN/DANTE
        4:1240  ICM-Pacific
        193.212.148/24   VERITAS-148 (NO)
        193.212.149/24   VERITAS-149 (NO)


    Ecole d'Ingenieur du Valais, Sion, SWITZERLAND
        1:1133  CERN/DANTE
        2:1674  CERN/DANTE
        3:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        153.109/16       ISW-MAIN-NET (CH)

United Kingdom

    EUnet GB (GBnet Ltd), Kent R&D Business Centre, off Giles Lane, Canterbury,
                                          Kent CT2 7PB, England, Great Britain,
                                                                 UNITED KINGDOM
        1:701   Alternet
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        193.117.223/24   EUNETGB-ISDN (GB)

    Nene College, IT Services, Boughton Green Road, Northampton, Northants, NN2
                                                            7AL, UNITED KINGDOM
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1133  CERN/DANTE
        3:1240  ICM-Pacific
        193.61.80/24     NENET-C-61-80 (GB)
        193.61.81/24     NENET-C-61-81 (GB)
        193.61.82/24     NENET-C-61-82 (GB)
        193.61.83/24     NENET-C-61-83 (GB)

    Satellites International Limited, Unit 3, The Paddock, Hambridge Road,
                                              Newbury, RG14 5TQ, UNITED KINGDOM
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1240  ICM-Pacific
        193.195.22/24    SILNET (GB)

    The University of Huddersfield HEC, Queensgate, Huddersfield, West
                                             Yorkshire, HD1 3DH, UNITED KINGDOM
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1133  CERN/DANTE
        3:1240  ICM-Pacific
        161.112/16       HUDDERSFIELD (GB)

United States

    Aptech Systems, 23804 S.E. Kont-Kangley Road, Maple Valley, WA 98038, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.29.185/24    PSINET-C-29-185 (US)

    Binary Systems Corp., 3531 Bagley Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98103, USA
        1:1982  Northwest Nexus
        198.17.124/24    BINARY (US)

    CDA Investment Technologies, 1355 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.97.12/24     PSINET-C-97-12 (US)

    CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
        1:1225  CICNET at Argonne Labs
        2:267   CICNET at UIUC
        3:266   CICNET at MERIT
        192.217.65/24    CICNET-C-217-65 (US)

    CMI-Tech Center, 1600 W Eight Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI 48220, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        192.138.189/24   CMITECH (US)

    Cisco Systems, Inc., 1525 O'Brien Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
        1:200   BARRNet
        2:201   BARRNet
        198.92.64/24     CISCO2-C-92-64 (US)
        198.92.65/24     CISCO2-C-92-65 (US)
        198.92.66/24     CISCO2-C-92-66 (US)
        198.92.67/24     CISCO2-C-92-67 (US)
        198.92.68/24     CISCO2-C-92-68 (US)
        198.92.69/24     CISCO2-C-92-69 (US)
        198.92.70/24     CISCO2-C-92-70 (US)
        198.92.71/24     CISCO2-C-92-71 (US)
        198.92.72/24     CISCO2-C-92-72 (US)
        198.92.73/24     CISCO2-C-92-73 (US)
        198.92.74/24     CISCO2-C-92-74 (US)
        198.92.75/24     CISCO2-C-92-75 (US)
        198.92.76/24     CISCO2-C-92-76 (US)
        198.92.77/24     CISCO2-C-92-77 (US)
        198.92.78/24     CISCO2-C-92-78 (US)
        198.92.79/24     CISCO2-C-92-79 (US)
        198.92.80/24     CISCO2-C-92-80 (US)
        198.92.81/24     CISCO2-C-92-81 (US)
        198.92.82/24     CISCO2-C-92-82 (US)
        198.92.83/24     CISCO2-C-92-83 (US)
        198.92.84/24     CISCO2-C-92-84 (US)
        198.92.85/24     CISCO2-C-92-85 (US)
        198.92.86/24     CISCO2-C-92-86 (US)
        198.92.87/24     CISCO2-C-92-87 (US)
        198.92.88/24     CISCO2-C-92-88 (US)
        198.92.89/24     CISCO2-C-92-89 (US)
        198.92.90/24     CISCO2-C-92-90 (US)
        198.92.91/24     CISCO2-C-92-91 (US)
        198.92.92/24     CISCO2-C-92-92 (US)
        198.92.93/24     CISCO2-C-92-93 (US)
        198.92.94/24     CISCO2-C-92-94 (US)
        198.92.95/24     CISCO2-C-92-95 (US)
        198.92.96/24     CISCO2-C-92-96 (US)
        198.92.97/24     CISCO2-C-92-97 (US)
        198.92.98/24     CISCO2-C-92-98 (US)
        198.92.99/24     CISCO2-C-92-99 (US)
        198.92.100/24    CISCO2-C-92-100 (US)
        198.92.101/24    CISCO2-C-92-101 (US)
        198.92.102/24    CISCO2-C-92-102 (US)
        198.92.103/24    CISCO2-C-92-103 (US)
        198.92.104/24    CISCO2-C-92-104 (US)
        198.92.105/24    CISCO2-C-92-105 (US)
        198.92.106/24    CISCO2-C-92-106 (US)
        198.92.107/24    CISCO2-C-92-107 (US)
        198.92.108/24    CISCO2-C-92-108 (US)
        198.92.109/24    CISCO2-C-92-109 (US)
        198.92.110/24    CISCO2-C-92-110 (US)
        198.92.111/24    CISCO2-C-92-111 (US)
        198.92.112/24    CISCO2-C-92-112 (US)
        198.92.113/24    CISCO2-C-92-113 (US)
        198.92.114/24    CISCO2-C-92-114 (US)
        198.92.115/24    CISCO2-C-92-115 (US)
        198.92.116/24    CISCO2-C-92-116 (US)
        198.92.117/24    CISCO2-C-92-117 (US)
        198.92.118/24    CISCO2-C-92-118 (US)
        198.92.119/24    CISCO2-C-92-119 (US)
        198.92.120/24    CISCO2-C-92-120 (US)
        198.92.121/24    CISCO2-C-92-121 (US)
        198.92.122/24    CISCO2-C-92-122 (US)
        198.92.123/24    CISCO2-C-92-123 (US)
        198.92.124/24    CISCO2-C-92-124 (US)
        198.92.125/24    CISCO2-C-92-125 (US)
        198.92.126/24    CISCO2-C-92-126 (US)
        198.92.127/24    CISCO2-C-92-127 (US)

    Electro Scientific Industries, 13900 NW Science Park Drive, Portland, OR
                                                                     97229, USA
        1:1240  ICM-Pacific
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        198.102.176/24   ELCSCI1 (US)
        198.102.179/24   ELCSCI4 (US)

    Equinox Capital Management, 399 Park Ave, 20th Fl, New York, NY 10022, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.97.13/24     PSINET-C-97-13 (US)

    Faultline Software Group, Inc., 867 Karo Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94086-8146,
        1:1240  ICM-Pacific
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        192.195.242/24   FAULTLINE (US)

    Getty Art History Information Program, 225 South Street, Williamstown, MA
                                                                     01267, USA
        1:560   NEARnet Regional Network
        2:701   Alternet
        198.113.146/24   GETTY-2 (US)

    Global Village Communication, 685 E. Middlefield Road, Bldg B, Mountain
                                                            View, CA 94043, USA
        1:200   BARRNet
        2:201   BARRNet
        198.93.136/24    GLOBALV1 (US)
        198.93.137/24    GLOBALV2 (US)
        198.93.138/24    GLOBALV3 (US)
        198.93.139/24    GLOBALV4 (US)

    Great Eastern Technology, 15 Constitution Way, Woburn, MA 01801, USA
        1:2551  NETCOM
        198.211.253/24   GET (US)

    Hyundai Electronics America, 166 Baypointe Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.97.0/24      PSINET-C-97-0 (US)
        199.97.1/24      PSINET-C-97-1 (US)
        199.97.2/24      PSINET-C-97-2 (US)
        199.97.3/24      PSINET-C-97-3 (US)
        199.97.4/24      PSINET-C-97-4 (US)
        199.97.5/24      PSINET-C-97-5 (US)
        199.97.6/24      PSINET-C-97-6 (US)
        199.97.7/24      PSINET-C-97-7 (US)

    Incyte Pharmaceuticals Inc., 3330 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
        1:200   BARRNet
        2:201   BARRNet
        198.93.132/24    INCYTE1 (US)
        198.93.133/24    INCYTE2 (US)
        198.93.134/24    INCYTE3 (US)
        198.93.135/24    INCYTE4 (US)

    InfoSeek, 2620 Augustine Drive, Suite 350, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA
        1:701   Alternet
        2:702   Alternet
        198.5.208/24     INFOSEEK1 (US)
        198.5.209/24     INFOSEEK2 (US)
        198.5.210/24     INFOSEEK3 (US)
        198.5.211/24     INFOSEEK4 (US)

    Intersolv Inc., 3200 Tower Oaks Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.33.8/24      INTERSOLV-C-33-8 (US)
        199.33.9/24      INTERSOLV-C-33-9 (US)
        199.33.10/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-10 (US)
        199.33.11/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-11 (US)
        199.33.12/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-12 (US)
        199.33.13/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-13 (US)
        199.33.14/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-14 (US)
        199.33.15/24     INTERSOLV-C-33-15 (US)

    Lotus/cc:Mail, 800 El Camino Real West, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
        1:200   BARRNet
        2:201   BARRNet
        192.216.78/24    CCMAIL3 (US)
        192.216.79/24    CCMAIL4 (US)

    MEB Associates, 400 10th Street, Atlanta, GA 30319, USA
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1240  ICM-Pacific
        199.0.75/24      MEB (US)

    Macro Computer Solutions, 1300 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL 60657, USA
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1240  ICM-Pacific
        199.3.33/24      MCS-C-3-33 (US)
        199.3.34/24      MCS-C-3-34 (US)
        199.3.35/24      MCS-C-3-35 (US)
        199.3.36/24      MCS-C-3-36 (US)
        199.3.37/24      MCS-C-3-37 (US)
        199.3.38/24      MCS-C-3-38 (US)
        199.3.39/24      MCS-C-3-39 (US)
        199.3.40/24      MCS-C-3-40 (US)
        199.3.41/24      MCS-C-3-41 (US)
        199.3.42/24      MCS-C-3-42 (US)
        199.3.43/24      MCS-C-3-43 (US)
        199.3.44/24      MCS-C-3-44 (US)
        199.3.45/24      MCS-C-3-45 (US)
        199.3.46/24      MCS-C-3-46 (US)
        199.3.47/24      MCS-C-3-47 (US)
        199.3.48/24      MCS-C-3-48 (US)
        199.3.49/24      MCS-C-3-49 (US)
        199.3.50/24      MCS-C-3-50 (US)
        199.3.51/24      MCS-C-3-51 (US)
        199.3.52/24      MCS-C-3-52 (US)
        199.3.53/24      MCS-C-3-53 (US)
        199.3.54/24      MCS-C-3-54 (US)
        199.3.55/24      MCS-C-3-55 (US)
        199.3.56/24      MCS-C-3-56 (US)
        199.3.57/24      MCS-C-3-57 (US)
        199.3.58/24      MCS-C-3-58 (US)
        199.3.59/24      MCS-C-3-59 (US)
        199.3.60/24      MCS-C-3-60 (US)
        199.3.61/24      MCS-C-3-61 (US)
        199.3.62/24      MCS-C-3-62 (US)

    Marc Frajola, 5627 SW 45th, Portland, OR 97221, USA
        1:1240  ICM-Pacific
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        198.145.88/24    WDN-C-145-88 (US)

    Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, Inc., Technical Computer Center
                                           3000, Pegasus Park Drive, Dallas, TX
                                              75265-0232, Dallas, TX 75265, USA
        1:114   SESQUINET Regional Network
        2:1700  SESQUINET Regional Network
        192.65.173/24    MTCN-CNET (US)

    Modicon Inc., 1 High St, N Andover, MA 01845, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        198.202.137/24   MODNET-C-202-137 (US)
        198.202.138/24   MODNET-C-202-138 (US)

    Monterey Peninsula Community College, 980 Fremont Street, Monterey, CA
                                                                     93940, USA
        1:200   BARRNet
        2:201   BARRNet
        198.94.56/24     NET-MPCC-C-94-56 (US)
        198.94.57/24     NET-MPCC-C-94-57 (US)

    NETCOM Online Communications Services Inc., 4000 Moorpark Ave, Suite 209,
                                                        San Jose, CA 95117, USA
        1:2551  NETCOM
        165.236/16       NETCOM-B2 (US)

    National Energy Research Supercomputer Center, PO BOX 808 L-561, Livermore,
                                                                  CA 94550, USA
        1:291   Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
        2:293   Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
        192.188.31/24    ESFP (US)
        192.188.32/24    NSL1-NET1 (US)

    North Cook Educational Service Region, 2701 Central Road, Glenview, IL
                                                                     60025, USA
        1:1225  CICNET at Argonne Labs
        2:267   CICNET at UIUC
        3:266   CICNET at MERIT
        199.26.200/24    NET-ESC (US)

    Oregon Department of Education, 700 Pringle Parkway SE, Salem, OR
                                                                97310-0290, USA
        1:685   NorthWestNet Regional Network
        2:73    NorthWestNet Regional Network
        3:101   NorthWestNet Regional Network
        198.236.15/24    OPEN-C-236-15 (US)

    PAR Government Systems Corporation, 220 Seneca Turnpike, New Hartford, NY
                                                                     13413, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        192.133.62/24    PARTECH (US)
        192.133.63/24    PARTECHI (US)

    Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 4400 5th Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213,
        1:204   PSCNET Regional Network
        2:1206  PSCNET Regional Network
        192.70.221/24    PSC-OWS-LINK (US)

    Potter & Brumfield, 200 Richland Creek Dr, Evansville, IN 47671-0002, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.97.10/24     PSINET-C-97-10 (US)

    QC Graphics Inc, 4255 Kellway Cir, Addison, TX 75244, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        199.97.9/24      PSINET-C-97-9 (US)

    Subject, Wills & Company, 1420 Kensington Road, Suite 110, Oak Brook, IL
                                                                     60521, USA
        1:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        2:1240  ICM-Pacific
        199.3.63/24      MCS-C-3-63 (US)

    Texas Animal Health Commission, 210 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX 78704,
        1:280   SESQUINET Regional Network
        2:114   SESQUINET Regional Network
        192.108.18/24    TAHC1 (US)

    Texas Department of Health, 6070 Gateway East, El Paso, TX 79905, USA
        1:114   SESQUINET Regional Network
        2:1700  SESQUINET Regional Network
        198.202.147/24   TXASHLTH-C5 (US)

    US Office of Surface Mining, 1020 15th Street, Denver, CO 80202, USA
        1:209   Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
        2:210   Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
        192.243.130/24   TIPS130 (US)
        192.243.139/24   TIPS139 (US)
        192.243.146/24   TIPS146 (US)
        192.243.175/24   TIPS175 (US)
        192.243.185/24   TIPS185 (US)

    US West Management Infromation Services, 181 inverness Drive West,
                                                       Englewood, CO 80112, USA
        1:209   Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
        2:210   Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
        155.70/16        USWMIS (US)

    USNET Inc., 3316 Kilkenny Street, Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA
        1:1327  ANS Washington D.C. - DNSS 59
        198.175.167/24   US-NET1 (US)

    USWEST Marketing Resources Group Inc., 198 Inverness Drive West, Englewood,
                                                                  CO 80112, USA
        1:209   Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
        2:210   Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
        144.163/16       USWMRG (US)

    Washington State Department of Health, 1300 Quince Street SE, M/S EY-18,
                                                    Olympia, WA 98504-7904, USA
        1:685   NorthWestNet Regional Network
        2:73    NorthWestNet Regional Network
        3:101   NorthWestNet Regional Network
        192.150.143/24   WADOH (US)

    Western Area Power Administration, 13949 W. Colfax Ave., building 1,
                                                          Golden, CO 80401, USA
        1:209   Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
        2:210   Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
        198.233.48/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-48 (US)
        198.233.49/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-49 (US)
        198.233.50/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-50 (US)
        198.233.51/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-51 (US)
        198.233.52/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-52 (US)
        198.233.53/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-53 (US)
        198.233.54/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-54 (US)
        198.233.55/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-55 (US)
        198.233.56/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-56 (US)
        198.233.57/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-57 (US)
        198.233.58/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-58 (US)
        198.233.59/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-59 (US)
        198.233.60/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-60 (US)
        198.233.61/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-61 (US)
        198.233.62/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-62 (US)
        198.233.63/24    WAPA-NETS-C-233-63 (US)

    Western Nebraska Community College, 1601 E. 27th Street., Scottsbluff, NE
                                                                     69361, USA
        1:1240  ICM-Pacific
        2:1800  ICM-Atlantic
        198.206.239/24   BLUFFNET-C-206-239 (US)
        198.206.240/24   BLUFFNET-C-206-240 (US)
        198.206.241/24   BLUFFNET-C-206-241 (US)
        198.206.242/24   BLUFFNET-C-206-242 (US)

    Wyeth-Ayerst Research, 145 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087, USA
        1:2149  PSINET-2
        2:174   NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
        155.94/16        WYETHAR (US)


The following Midlevel/Regional peering sessions have also been added:

AS 377 - SNLA (Sandia National Laboratories) - ENSS 179

    Peer: - Sandia National Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force
             Base, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA - Router domain name


The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be 
available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EST :

configuration reports --  

NSS routing software configuration files --

     nss<NSS number>.t3p

Information is also avaiable through the PRDB whois server.  Type
"whois -h help" for details.

REPORT CHANGES:                                       (Updated 1/4/94)

CIDRIZATION:  On January 4, we converted all Policy Routing DataBase
(PRDB) output, including this report,  to CIDR notation.  All occurrences 
of network numbers ("x.x.x") on output have been replaced by aggregate 
notation ("x.x.x/len").  The previous formats for,, 
or, now in the files ans_core.old, country.old, and net-comp.old 
in the nsfnet/announced.networks directory.   These ".old" 
files will be discontinued on March 1.

TRANSITION TO GATED:  During January, the "routed" routing software on
the backbone will be replaced by "gated".  Gated configuration files are
considerably different than routed configuration files.  When that
transition is made, gated configuration files will replace routed files
on the directory.

The archived discussion list "db-disc at" exists for discussion of 
PRDB issues.  Send a message to "db-disc-request at" to subscribe.
						--Dale Johnson (dsj at

Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin at
using the NSFNET configuration forms.  The forms are available on-line
from the machine.  Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine.  Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files,, template.gate, and

In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have moved to a 
system which requires the use of (NACR) version 7.0


  --Steve Widmayer            Merit/NSFNET   skw at
  --Enke Chen                 Merit/NSFNET   enke at
  --Steven J. Richardson      Merit/NSFNET   sjr at

More information about the NANOG mailing list