Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

Steven K. Widmayer skw
Tue Mar 10 12:33:26 UTC 1992

The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing
T1 Network: 
Net #            Net Name        Primary  Secondary    Location
--------        -----------      -------  ---------    --------
129.38          IBMOTO             114       280       IBM AUSTIN, 11400
                                                       Burnet Rd., MS 4302,
                                                       Houston, TX 77002, USA

149.155         AGRENET            274       60        Agricultural and Food
                                                       Research Council, West
                                                       Common, Harpenden,
                                                       Herts AL5 2JE, UNITED

155.210         ARAGONET           274       60        Universidad de
                                                       Zaragoza, Centro de
                                                       Calculo, Ciudad
                                                       Universitaria, 50009
                                                       Zaragoza, SPAIN

157.88          UNIDEVALL          274       60        Universidad de
                                                       Valladolid, C.P.D.,
                                                       Prado de la Magdalena
                                                       s/n, 47005 Valladolid,

158.42          UPVNET             274       60        Politechnical Valencia
                                                       University, Universidad
                                                       Politecnica de
                                                       Valencia, Centro de
                                                       Calculo, Camino de
                                                       Vera, 14, 46020
                                                       Valencia (Valencia),

158.49          REDINEX            274       60        Universidad de
                                                       Extremadura, Servicio
                                                       de Informatica,
                                                       Universidad de
                                                       Extremadura, 06071
                                                       Badajoz, SPAIN

158.109         XIUAB              274       60        Universitat Autonoma de
                                                       Barcelona, Centre de
                                                       Calcul, Edifici C,
                                                       E-08193 Bellaterra
                                                       (Barcelona), SPAIN

192.108.131     UAKOMNET           590                 Institute of Automation
                                                       and Communication Net.,
                                                       Slovak Academy of
                                                       Sciences, Severna 5;
                                                       CS-97400 Banska

192.112.247     CSN                274       60        Consejo De Seguridad
                                                       Nuclear, Justo Dorado
                                                       11, 28040 Madrid, SPAIN

192.124.15      CONCORD-NET        1384      1383      Concord Communications,
                                                       Inc., 753 Forest
                                                       Street, Marlboro, MA
                                                       01752, USA

192.135.216     RFERL-NET          86        279       Radio Free Europe/Radio
                                                       Liberty, Inc., RFE/RL,
                                                       Incorporated, 1201
                                                       Connecticut Ave NW,
                                                       Suite 1100, Washington,
                                                       DC 20036, USA

192.148.201     REDIRIS1           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.202     REDIRIS2           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.203     REDIRIS3           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.204     REDIRIS4           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.205     REDIRIS5           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.206     REDIRIS6           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.207     REDIRIS7           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.208     REDIRIS8           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.209     REDIRIS9           274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.210     REDIRIS10          274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.211     REDIRIS11          274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.212     REDIRIS12          274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.213     REDIRIS13          274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.214     REDIRIS14          274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.148.215     REDIRIS15          274       60        RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO,
                                                       Alcala, 61,
                                                       28014-Madrid, SPAIN

192.150.1       ADOBE-01           701       702       Adobe Systems Inc.,
                                                       1585 Charleston Road,
                                                       Mountain View, CA 94039,

192.184.4       BULLMINNNET        1384      1383      Bull HN Information
                                                       Systems, Technology
                                                       Park, Billerica, MA
                                                       01821-4119, USA

Total NSFNET T1 announced networks: 4835

T3 Network: 

89 T1 configured Nasa Science Network (AS 297) networks (not listed here)
have been added to the T3 database.  These will not be installed on the 
T3 backbone until later in the week.

    Network IP:  129.38
  Network Name:  IBMOTO
      Location:  IBM AUSTIN, 11400 Burnet Rd., MS 4302, Houston, TX 77002 USA
  Country Code:  US
     1:114  SESQUINET Regional Network
     2:280  SESQUINET Regional Network

    Network IP:  192.77.157
  Network Name:  PACBELL-SMDS
      Location:  PAC Bell, Pacific Bell, 2600 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA
                 94583 USA
  Country Code:  US
    1:1321  ANS San Francisco - DNSS 11

    Network IP:  192.124.15
  Network Name:  CONCORD-NET
      Location:  Concord Communications, Inc., 753 Forest Street, Marlboro, MA
                 01752, USA
  Country Code:  US
     1:560  NEARnet Regional Network
     2:281  NEARnet Regional Network

    Network IP:  192.135.216
  Network Name:  RFERL-NET
      Location:  Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc., RFE/RL, Incorporated,
                 1201 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036,
  Country Code:  US
      1:86  SURANET Regional Network
     2:279  Georgia Tech

    Network IP:  192.150.1
  Network Name:  ADOBE-01
      Location:  Adobe Systems Inc., 1585 Charleston Road, Mountain View, CA
                 94039 USA
  Country Code:  US
    42:702  Alternet Router
    43:701  Alternet Router

    Network IP:  192.184.4
  Network Name:  BULLMINNNET
      Location:  Bull HN Information Systems, Technology Park, Billerica, MA
                 01821-4119 USA
  Country Code:  US
     1:560  NEARnet Regional Network
     2:281  NEARnet Regional Network

Total NSFNET T3 announced networks: 2501

T3 Special Additions:

        AS Number:  297
         AS Notes:  Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
  AS Country Code:  US
              ANS:  No
  BkBn: 690   NSS: 140.222.145 - FIX-East
                                 College Park, MD
 Gate: -
                        Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)

The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files
which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on
as usual. 

    nsfsites - configuration reports

               latest report for:
			-  NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now
                	-  NSFNET T3 has the file extension

    nsfconfg - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS

               latest report for:
                        -  NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss#
                	-  NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p

Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin at
using the NSFNET configuration forms.  The forms are available on-line
from the machine.  Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine.  Do a "cd nsfsites" and grab the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE,
  --Steve Widmayer

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