SURA Fix-East Scheduled outage

Youthana Sivali youth at
Fri Mar 6 00:03:48 UTC 1992

03/05/92	The FIX-East - The sites on sura's Federal Internet Exchange
23:00-23:15	will be unreachable tonight (3/5) for a period of approximately
		15 minutes for maintainance to facilitate the installation 
		of the new ENSS-145. The following site will be unreachable
		via suranet for the 15 minute anticipated outage.
                NASA - Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center
        	TWB- The Terrestrial Wide Band Gateway
		ESNET - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
		Mitre - The Mitre/Milnet Mailbridge

Apologies for the short notice,

Youthana Sivali
SURAnet Operations

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