Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

Belinda Sue Blair bsb
Tue Apr 14 13:46:18 UTC 1992

The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing
T1 Network:
Net #            Net Name        Primary  Secondary    Location
--------        -----------      -------  ---------    --------
132.146         BTRL-NET           701       1238      British Telecom
                                                       Research Laboratories,
                                                       Martlesham Heath,
                                                       Ipswich, Suffolk,
                                                       UNITED KINGDOM
138.123         DELAWARETECH       86        279       Delaware Technical and
                                                       Community College,
                                                       Dover, DE 19903, USA
138.198         INMOS              701       1238      INMOS Limited, 1000
                                                       Aztec West, Bristol,
                                                       UNITED KINGDOM
141.43          HFB-NET            754       751       Hochschule fuer
                                                       Bauwesen Cottbus,
                                                       D-O-7500 Cottbus,
150.130         AIEG-MOT           266       267       Network and
                                                       Communication Systems,
                                                       Motorola, Automotive
                                                       and Industrial
                                                       Electronics Group, 4000
                                                       Commercial Avenue,
                                                       Northbrook, IL 60062,
150.175         GSI                701       1238      GSI, 25 Bd de l'Amiral
                                                       Bruix, 75116 Paris,
153.98          XLINK-BNET6        754       751       University of
                                                       XLINK-Project, Am
                                                       Fasanengarten 5,
                                                       D-W-7500 Karlsruhe,
158.4           CARSON-NET1        164       184       USAISC Ft. Carson,
                                                       USAISC, Bld. 1014, Ft.
                                                       Carson, CO 80913, USA
158.43          PIPEX-NET          701       702       PIPEX, 216 Cambridge
                                                       Science Park, Milton
                                                       Road, Cambridge, CB4
                                                       4WA, UNITED KINGDOM
158.64          RESTENA            590                 Restena Ministry of
                                                       Education Grand-Duchy
                                                       of, 6, rue
                                                       L-1359 Luxembourg
192.26.234      INMOS-C            701       1238      INMOS Limited, 1000
                                                       Aztec West, Bristol,
                                                       UNITED KINGDOM
192.82.147      FAMULAN            279       86        Florida A & M
                                                       University, Perry Paige
                                                       Building, Room 107,
                                                       Tallahassee, FL 32307,
192.91.201      BJNET              701       1238      Boldon James Limited,
                                                       Brundrett House,
                                                       Sandbach Road South,
                                                       Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent
                                                       ST7, 2LT, UNITED
192.129.37      XLINK-CNET5        754       751       GENIAS, Erzgebirgsstr.
                                                       2, W-8402 Neutraubling,
192.148.172     AIXSERV-NET        754       751       IBM Corporation, 11400
                                                       Burnet Road, Internal
                                                       Zip 2900, Building 42,
                                                       Austin, TX 78758, USA
192.153.193     LAMPHERE           233       177       Lamphere Schools, John
                                                       Page Middle School,
                                                       29615 Tawas, Madison
                                                       Heights, MI 48071, USA
Total  T1 configured networks:  5113
T3 Network: 
    Network IP:  138.123
  Network Name:  DELAWARETECH
      Location:  Delaware Technical and Community College, Dover, DE 19903,
  Country Code:  US
      1:86  SURANET Regional Network
     2:279  Georgia Tech
    Network IP:  141.43
  Network Name:  HFB-NET
      Location:  Hochschule fuer Bauwesen Cottbus, D-O-7500 Cottbus, GERMANY
  Country Code:  DE
    1:1324  ANS New York City - DNSS 35
    Network IP:  150.130
  Network Name:  AIEG-MOT
      Location:  Network and Communication Systems, Motorola, Automotive and
                 Industrial Electronics Group, 4000 Commercial Avenue,
                 Northbrook, IL 60062, USA
  Country Code:  US
     1:266  CICNET at MERIT
     2:267  CICNET at UIUC
    Network IP:  153.98
  Network Name:  XLINK-BNET6
      Location:  University of Karlsruhe, XLINK-Project, Am Fasanengarten 5,
                 D-W-7500 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
  Country Code:  DE
    1:1324  ANS New York City - DNSS 35
    Network IP:  158.43
  Network Name:  PIPEX-NET
      Location:  PIPEX, 216 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge,
                 CB4 4WA, UNITED KINGDOM
  Country Code:  GB
    42:702  Alternet Router
    43:701  Alternet Router
    Network IP:  192.82.147
  Network Name:  FAMULAN
      Location:  Florida A & M University, Perry Paige Building, Room 107,
                 Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA
  Country Code:  US
     1:279  Georgia Tech
      2:86  SURANET Regional Network
    Network IP:  192.129.37
  Network Name:  XLINK-CNET5
      Location:  GENIAS, Erzgebirgsstr. 2, W-8402 Neutraubling, GERMANY
  Country Code:  DE
    1:1324  ANS New York City - DNSS 35
    Network IP:  192.148.172
  Network Name:  AIXSERV-NET
      Location:  IBM Corporation, 11400 Burnet Road, Internal Zip 2900,
                 Building 42, Austin, TX 78758, USA
  Country Code:  US
    1:1782  AIXSERV-AS, ENSS 174
    Network IP:  192.153.193
  Network Name:  LAMPHERE
      Location:  Lamphere Schools, John Page Middle School, 29615 Tawas,
                 Madison Heights, MI 48071, USA
  Country Code:  US
     1:237  MERIT network

      Total configured T3 networks:  3280
The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files
which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on
as usual.
    nsfnet/announced.networks - configuration reports
               latest report for:
                        -  NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now
                        -  NSFNET T3 has the file extension
    nsfnet/backbone.configuration - configuration files for the routing
                                    software for each NSS
               latest report for:
                        -  NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss#
                        -  NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin at
using the NSFNET configuration forms.  The forms are available on-line.
from the machine.  Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine.  Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files TEMPLATE.NET,
-B. Sue Blair
 Merit Network Operations 

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