[NANOG-announce] lightning talks open and hotel rate expiring
Todd Underwood
toddunder at gmail.com
Fri May 29 14:34:18 UTC 2009
two quick reminders:
1) the nanog discount rate on the hotel is mostly (but not completely)
full and i believe it expires today. if you're planning on coming to
nanog, please register for the conference and book a hotel room. or
pay more for the privilege of both experiences.
2) lightning talk submissions are now open. lightning talks are short
(10 minutes), topical and timely. and they are done at the last
minute (a feature which endears them to many of us).
lightning talks submitted by jun 8 will be voted on by the program
committee on our jun 9 call just prior to the start of nanog 46.
lightning talks will continue to be accepted through tuesday of the
conference, although the sooner you get your abstract in, the more
likely we will be to accept your talk. several talks have already
been submitted so if you've got a good idea, now is the time to write
it up and get it in.
i'm very much looking forward to seeing all of you in philadelphia.
todd underwood, chair
nanog program committee
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