[Attendee] Welcome to NANOG 90 - Wednesday Edition

NANOG Support nanog-support at nanog.org
Wed Feb 14 12:11:21 UTC 2024

Greetings NANOG 90 Attendees –

Welcome to the final day of NANOG 90. Here are a few reminders for today,
Wednesday, 14 February 2024.

For complete details about this week’s program, including speakers,
presentation files, and sponsors, please view the online agenda here: NANOG
90 Agenda <https://nanog.org/events/nanog-90/agenda/>, where the default
time listed is EST. If you are not able to be at the conference in person,
you can watch today’s programming on our web platform
<https://nanog.org/events/nanog-90/watch-n90-webcast/>. Make sure you are
signed in with your NANOG profile to view the live stream. And don’t forget
you can chat with other NANOG 90 attendees, open a chat window to
communicate with other attendees  or ask a presenter a question live during
the program.

The Wednesday Agenda follows (all times listed in EST:





Symphony Convention Foyer

Wednesday Meeting Registration


Carolina Ballroom

Wednesday Breakfast

10:00- 10:30

Symphony Ballroom

SCinet, and Women in Networking at SC23 -

Transforming the Networking Landscape

Brenna Meade - Indiana University

10:00- 10:45

Mecklenburg 2-3


Automating Internet2’s Nationwide Network with Cisco NSO

Karl Newell - Internet2


Symphony Ballroom

Greenlight - Community assets evolving to meet customers needs

Linwood Tyndall

10:45- 11:45

Mecklenburg 2-3 Ballroom

Tutorial: Python, Go and Rust for Network Automation a lovely battle

Claus Rugani Töpke- Telcomanager


Symphony Ballroom

PTP @ Meta

Oleg Obleukhov - Meta


Symphony Ballroom

*Alerts don’t suck, YOUR alerts suck!

Leon Adato - Kentik


Wednesday Lunch (On Your Own)

14:00- 15:30

Mecklenburg 2-3 Ballroom

Tutorial: Whiteboard 101

Matt Ringel

14:00 - 15:00

Symphony Ballroom

“What Happens when an RIR’s RPKI Repository Goes Dark?”

Brad Gorman - American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)


Symphony Ballroom

RoVista: Measuring and Understanding the Route Origin Validation (ROV) in

Tijay Chug - Virginia Tech


Symphony Convention Foyer

Wednesday Break


Symphony Ballroom

Coherent optical transceivers - current capabilities and future

Thomas Weible - Flexoptix


Symphony Ballroom

Hackathon Wrap-Up


Symphony Ballroom

Lightning Talks


Symphony Ballroom

NANOG 90 Conference Closing

Don't forget we have Daily Surveys available - you will find all NANOG 90
surveys at nanog.org/surveys

Looking for Conference Videos to catch up on something you missed or share
with a colleague? We will have videos of the talks available in one to two
weeks - look for the NANOG 90 playlist on our YouTube channel

Finally, Sponsorship Opportunities
<https://nanog.org/events/sponsorship/sponsorship-opportunities/> for NANOG
91 taking place 10-12 June 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri are available.
Please reach out to Shawn Winstead, NANOG Sponsorship Sales,  or email
swinstead at nanog.org to inquire about availability.

All our best,

The NANOG Support Team
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