[Attendee] R & E BoF on Wednesday?

Michael Sinatra ms at es.net
Tue Jun 4 17:29:02 UTC 2013


I have gotten some interest in this, and I'd like to propose that we
meet at breakfast-time on Wednesday (tomorrow).  Salon III is available,
so you can grab breakfast and then head in there and we can have an
informal BoF there.  I realize it's going to be a bit early, but I'd
prefer not to take us away from the rest of the program and tracks.

It does mean that you may want to limit your boozing at tonight's
Terremark social on the riverboat.  However, that still opens up all of
Wednesday to attend the DNS or Peering tracks and still tie one on at
Wednesday night's Equinix/Netflix social. :)

Here's my start at the agenda:

1. Sustainable R&E community collaboration in the limited Joint Techs era.

2. Where to have side-meetings like NetGurus?

3. Technical stuff: How are R&E folks doing interior routing/IGP (I have
been getting comments/questions about this since my talk).

Other stuff you can think of?  Again, you can email me directly and I'll
put things together for tomorrow.


On 6/4/13 7:53 AM, Michael Sinatra wrote:
> I know that there are some R&E/Higher Ed attendees in our midst at NANOG
> 58, and some folks have already approached me to talk about a possible
> informal BoF for the R&E community (open to all, of course).  I think we
> may be able to schedule something on Wednesday, and I will discuss it
> with the NANOG folks.
> The main meta-topic will be to brainstorm ways in which the R&E
> community can utilize NANOG and other conferences to make up for the
> reduction in Joint Techs meetings.  We can also discuss other, more
> technical, topics that are burning in our arena right now.
> If you are interested, please email me directly and let me know if you
> would be able to attend a BoF on Wednesday.

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