Welcome to Mailman.NANOG.Org |
Welcome! The NANOG Mailing List is a community-moderated forum, open to all. Established in 1994 to provide the open exchange of technical information, it provides the opportunity for lively discussions of specific implementation challenges that require cooperation among network service providers. All posts public and archived. Below are the NANOG Mailing Lists on mailman.nanog.org. If you'd like to subscribe, unsubscribe, change subscription preferences, or learn more: click on any one of the lists to do so. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List Administrators: To find the management interface for your list, please visit the list Admin Overview Page: the list admin overview page Subscribers: If you experience technical difficulties, or have trouble using the lists, please contact us at admins [at] nanog.org. NANOG Mailing-List Usage GuidelinesIn order to maintain a welcoming and diverse forum, built on an open, authentic, and collaborative approach, we ask that all NANOG Mailing-List users agree and adhere to the NANOG Mailing List Usage Guidelines. Subscribers who are subject to or wish to report a violation of the NANOG Mailing List Usage Guidelines should contact us at admins [at] nanog.org. All reports will be handled in the strictest confidence. |
List | Description |
Fun-testing | [no description available] |
Jobs | Open jobs posting list |
NANOG | North American Network Operators Group |
NANOG-announce | NANOG-Announce |
Pickleball | [no description available] |
version 2.1.39 |