Why are paper LOAs still used?

joenanog at nym.hush.com joenanog at nym.hush.com
Mon Feb 26 19:13:53 UTC 2024

One thing that I recently read on this mailing list, is that at least in the US, a transmitting a fraudulent LOA is a federal crime - wire fraud. [0]

Being able to hopefully charge and convict someone performing fraud is a useful deterrent.


[0] - https://pc.nanog.org/static/published/meetings/NANOG77/2108/20191028_Elverson_Your_As_Is_v1.pdf, page 13.

On 2/26/2024 at 12:58 PM, "Seth Mattinen via NANOG" <nanog at nanog.org> wrote:
>Why do companies still insist on, or deploy new systems that rely 
>paper LOA for IP and ASN resources? How can this be considered 
>trustworthy than RIR based IRR records?
>And I'm not even talking about old companies, I have a situation 
>now where a VPS provider I'm using will no longer use IRR and only 
>accepts new paper LOAs. In the year 2024. I don't understand how 
>can go backwards like that.

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