ipv6 address management - documentation

Mel Beckman mel at beckman.org
Thu Nov 16 20:56:59 UTC 2023

I second Netbox, which has detailed IPv4/6 IPAM plus many other features:

IP Address Management - NetBox Documentation<https://demo.netbox.dev/static/docs/core-functionality/ipam/>


On Nov 16, 2023, at 10:31 AM, Jesse DuPont <jesse.dupont at celeritycorp.net> wrote:

 phpIPAM for the win. NIPAP is effective, if basic. I've heard of lots of people who like Netbox.

On 11/16/23 11:12 AM, Niels Bakker wrote:
* aaron1 at gvtc.com<mailto:aaron1 at gvtc.com> (Aaron Gould) [Thu 16 Nov 2023, 19:04 CET]:
For years I've used an MS Excel spreadsheet to manage my IPv4  addresses.  IPv6 is going to be maddening to manage in a spreadsheet.  What does everyone use for their IPv6 address prefix management and documentation?  Are there open source tools/apps for this?

The first three hits for "open source ipam" on a search engine are:

- phpipam.net/
- spritelink.github.io/NIPAP/
- github.com/netbox-community/netbox

I'd pick the last option, or possibly Nautobot.

You may want to scroll through https://github.com/topics/ipam for more options.

    -- Niels.

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