Best Linux (or BSD) hosted BGP?

William Herrin bill at
Wed May 10 03:55:08 UTC 2023

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 6:40 PM Tom Beecher <beecher at> wrote:
>> The implication being that while it might work, it would make administration of the system onerous and unpredictable, considering we are dealing with a ton of FreeBSD installations, and not just a single server.
> Adjusting a single tunable is 'onerous'?

No, but it's brittle. A workaround, not a solution. Likely to break
during future maintenance. "Unpredictable" as Mark put it.

Nothing a routing daemon does should involve the kernel BPF. The next
sysadmin won't be expecting it.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at

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