A few GPON questions...

Seth Mattinen sethm at rollernet.us
Tue Dec 11 20:59:16 UTC 2018

On 12/11/18 12:32 PM, Alfie Pates wrote:
>  >The cost analysis was already done.
>  >Costs were not factored in for BBUs on every ONT like should have been 
> spec'd out for emergency phone lines.
> These two things do not quite agree.

I'm sure management did some kind of cost analysis, but ignored normal 
IT things like POE for things like phones and cameras. POE is super 
convenient in a LAN environment. But management doesn't know or usually 
care about that. I'd have asked the PON guys hey, what's your solution 
for POE delivery to powered devices? I bet factoring that in alone would 
have blown the PON cost up. I can't imagine doing anything as insane as 
PON in a LAN environment.

But everyone knows fiber is the best and you must eliminate all that 
silly copper, with helpful prodding from vendor sales. Could be sales 
didn't want IT involved because they knew IT will kill the deal, and 
some management will fall for that because these sales guys must be the 
experts. Problems later? The IT guy will deal with it.

I've had jobs where management refused to consult with or consider 
suggestions from IT. I once was part of an office move where the modular 
furniture vendor started asking questions about cabling was entering and 
port locations blah blah. They were told by management they don't need 
to know that and IT will just figure it out later. The vendor was like 
no way, they need to be involved now or we won't proceed. Then IT was 
brought in at the last minute, but if the furniture vendor hadn't 
refused to proceed the plan was literally F the IT guys and make them 
figure it out all the cabling over the weekend before everyone was to 
move in. Management like that just gets worse until you line up another 
job and quit.

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