EFF Call for sign-ons: ISPs, networking companies and engineers opposed to FCC privacy repeal

Mel Beckman mel at beckman.org
Wed Mar 29 01:08:19 UTC 2017


That's a great find! I note in the article:

"Not only is the price of the premier service (with ads) only $70 a month, but it comes with a waiver of equipment, installation, and activation fees. The standard service without ads is $99 a month..."

So that's $29 a month to let AT&T track your Web browsing, but only for targeting ads. ATT promises "And we won’t sell your personal information to anyone, for any reason."

I would guess that the ability to sell that data would be worth several times the $29/month, so it's conceivable that a provider could offer $10/mo Gig Internet in exchange for browsing history.

But nobody does.

Because they think they can steal it.

I think this pretty well demonstrates the greed of the big-ISP executives who lobbied for today's legislative atrocity, which lets them rob customers of browsing history that even AT&T execs acknowledge users own.

 -mel beckman

On Mar 28, 2017, at 5:56 PM, Hugo Slabbert <hugo at slabnet.com<mailto:hugo at slabnet.com>> wrote:

Now, if ISPs want to PURCHASE browser data from customers directly, I'm
sure they'll get some takers. But that strategy has never appeared in
any business plan I've seen.

https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/12/att-offers-gigabit-internet-discount-in-exchange-for-your-web-history/ ?
Hugo Slabbert | email, xmpp/jabber: hugo at slabnet.com<mailto:hugo at slabnet.com>
pgp key: B178313E | also on Signal

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