Apple Caching Server question

Mike Hammett nanog at
Fri Jan 13 23:33:32 UTC 2017

There are far more ISPs with less than 10G of total traffic than ISPs with more than 10G of traffic. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "joel jaeggli" <joelja at> 
To: "lane powers" <lane.powers at>, nanog at 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 10:45:08 AM 
Subject: Re: Apple Caching Server question 

On 1/13/17 5:43 AM, lane.powers at wrote: 
> I saw the apple caching server mentioned on an earlier thread. Is this appropriate/functional/scaleable enough to implement as an ISP? It is an intriguing idea. From the docs I could find, I couldn't tell if it was only geared towards home / small business or if it could scale up to handle ISP level traffic. 

It's a feature of macos server. You do get to register prefix with 
apple, but I don't imagine colocating a mac mini is isp level traffic. 

That said as714 peers extensively 

so picking them up works too. 

> thanks, 
> Lane 

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