Whats' a good product for a high-density Wireless network setup?

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Sun Jun 21 04:32:38 UTC 2015

> My understanding is that the most recent NANOG had issues with clients
> picking channels sequentially vs by signal strength. There may have
> been other issues but when all devices use 149 because that's the
> first they can and they get link that's not good.
> If people know of tricks to solve this when there are 600-1000 devices
> per room i am certain the NANOG eng team would love to know about it.

not really; they're in denial.  why did san antonio work; the only nanog
in 4 or more which did?  why does ietf work?

wireless is ugly.  few know how to deploy at scale.  it's just not easy.


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