eBay is looking for network heavies...

Mark Foster blakjak at blakjak.net
Thu Jun 11 04:59:19 UTC 2015

On 11/06/2015 4:46 p.m., Alex White-Robinson wrote:
> Matthew Petach <mpetach at netflight.com> wrote:
>> On a slightly different note, however--while it's good to
>> have an appreciation of the past and how we got here,
>> I think it's wise to also recognize we as an industry
>> have some challenges bringing new blood in--and
>> treating it too much like a sacred priesthood with
>> cabalistic knowledge and initiation rites isn't going
>> to help us bring new engineers into the field to
>> take over for us crusty old farts when our eyes
>> give out and we can't type into our 9600 baud
>> serial consoles anymore.
>> Matt
>> CCOF #1999322002 [0]
> I've seen very little attention paid to junior talent in the last few
> years, and know a few people who would have been talented engineers that
> never got a chance to show it.
> They moved into other industries because of the lack of junior roles.
> I know very few people in network engineering that are under thirty, and
> not that many under thirty five.

An interesting statement; both my current network engineering team 
members are under 35 (and one is under 30) - i'm actually on the hunt 
for a slightly more senior resource at the moment to take up a vacant 
Team Leader role, and the candidates i've had apply are generally in 
their 30's.

But perhaps New Zealand is a different audience to the North American 
continent. Fair enough.

My career started as a Network Junior and i'm keen to facilitiate 
opportunities to move upward for others who're in similar circumstances 
to that which I was in ~10 years ago, surely i'm not that unusual...??


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