[dns-wg] crave your indulgence

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Wed May 28 04:50:21 UTC 2014

    If you wouldn't mind a quick tracerooute -  Can you confirm
    reachability to the following:
    Thanks in advance.
traceroute6 to 2001:500:84::b (2001:500:84::b) from 2a04:b900::1:0:0:15, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
 1  office.bijgepunt.nlnetlabs.nl  0.333 ms  0.314 ms  0.308 ms
 2  2a02:d28:5580:e:1000::245  0.589 ms  0.611 ms  0.507 ms
 3  eth1-1.core1.ams1.nl.as5580.net  0.554 ms  0.549 ms  0.536 ms
 4  eth1-8.r1.ams2.nl.as5580.net  0.694 ms  13.099 ms  4.514 ms
 5  30gigabitethernet1-3.core1.ams1.he.net  8.437 ms  1.450 ms  1.651 ms
 6  100ge9-1.core1.lon2.he.net  17.578 ms  7.245 ms  17.896 ms
 7  100ge1-1.core1.nyc4.he.net  86.636 ms  82.937 ms  103.756 ms
 8  10ge10-3.core1.lax1.he.net  159.165 ms  164.547 ms  153.020 ms
 9  10ge1-3.core1.lax2.he.net  158.396 ms  153.472 ms  152.610 ms
10  2001:504:13::210:43  153.222 ms  154.124 ms  153.499 ms
11  2001:1878::181:177  153.629 ms  153.891 ms  153.103 ms
12  2001:500:84::b  153.426 ms  153.167 ms  152.977 ms

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